Monday, September 13, 2010

So much to do...

One week down, and only one more to go! It’s hard to believe that I will be leaving in a week and it certainly hasn’t hit me yet. I think I’m still in the mindset of “oh yea in a week I’ll be going to London for a week-long vacation”, not “oh yea in a week I am moving to Spain for 9 months”! So I’m waiting for that moment where it actually hits me, which probably won’t be until I am at the airport in London, leaving to go to orientation in Madrid. I am certainly ready to go in the sense that I am still excited and happy about moving to Spain, but not ready to go in the sense that I have all my things packed and everything else done. I am starting to get a bit overwhelmed with all that I have left to do, but luckily I am a list person haha. I have a list on my phone as well as a list on my computer and am just trying to check things off one at a time. I think the hardest part will be the packing, as I have to try and decide what clothes I will be wearing for the next year of my life and try and fit them all into 2 suitcases. What makes that even harder is that I am only going to bring over one suitcase with clothes for about a month and then have my parents send me over the over suitcase. So not only do I have to decide if I will wear it in Spain, but if I will wear it within the first month. So needless to say I need to start checking the weather so I can decide if those boots will be necessary the first month or if they can wait (or if I should just buy them when I get over there haha).

And even though I am stressing about the packing, the errands and whatnot for next week, I am still very excited. I had a fabulous weekend with friends this past weekend (Benet Academy 5 year reunion wohoo) and next weekend looks to be another great weekend with family and friends (Naperville wine festival… need I say more?!) Okay it’s probably time to sign off here and get cracking on that list of things to do….

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