Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fasten Your Seat Belt, You're In For a Bumpy Ride

            Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like the Spanish are wickedly crazy drivers! From blowing through pedestrian crossings to not using their blinkers, it seems like they may be the worst drivers ever! Now I haven’t been to many other countries and ridden in a car so I don’t know if there’s another country that beats Spain in this category, but it looks like the Spanish are making a run for the medal.  The last two times I was in Spain I was never really in a car except for taking a taxi, but this year I catch a ride with a professor to and from school every day. Not all of my professors are bad drivers, but I have had some near death experiences on my way to and from school! Sometimes it seems like rules apply to no one, especially when it comes to switching lanes or pedestrian crossings. I have almost been hit numerous times while trying to cross the street (and most likely would have been dragged because the driver wouldn’t have noticed me). Also when changing lanes if the driver uses a blinker at all, they keep it on for way too long. One of my biggest driving pet peeves is when people leave their blinkers on for an inordinate amount of time, and the drivers here take the cake. This may be a rule, but to me it seems a bit ridiculous to leave your blinker on for 5 minutes after switching lanes, just in case the other driver failed to see you narrowly cutting him off. And traffic circles! I am by no means the best driver when it comes to traffic circles and have been terrified of them, but they are everywhere here. One of my teachers actually slowed down as she merged into the circle. Isn’t the whole point to speed up to the speed of the other cars? Apparently not in her case it isn’t. Some drivers will either fly around turns or take their foot completely off the gas and sadly I’m not sure which is worse haha. Here are just a smattering of some of the road signs you can encounter while in Spain:

Bull crossing... really?!

Just driving along hanging out with my friends...
Be careful of the flowers?

If you walk this way you will be like Tom Hanks in the movie 'Big'

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